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Steel Pipes

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What is a Pipe?

Steel pipes are long and hollow tubes that are used for many different applications in a variety of places. Its versatility makes pipes the most often used product that is produced by the steel industry. They are commonly used to convey fluid substances that can flow, and small solid particles. Due to their high strength, they can also be utilized in underground transportation of water and gas through cities, or in construction for purposes like heating, plumping, etc. People have been utilizing and producing pipes for different purposes for thousands of years. Archeological evidence verifies that even in 2000 BC ancient agriculturists or Chinese people have utilized pipes made from different materials like wood or bamboo, for water transportation. Since the 1800s, great strides have been accomplished in the technology of steel pipes, including improving manufacturing methods, developing applications for their use, and establishment of regulations and standards that govern their certification.

How is Pipe Used?

Pipes are utilized in structures, transportation, and manufacturing. Different materials, design characteristics, and production methods for steel pipes have been developing and varying accordingly to the application.

-Structural Usage

Structural use is commonly building and construction in which the building material is commonly referred to as steel tubes. Steel tubes are used to provide additional strength and stability for especially high buildings or constructions. Two types of steel pipes are utilized in structural usage as end-bearing piles and friction piles that both have the aim of transferring the load of the building. In those applications, steel pipes are driven deep into the earth before the foundation is laid, which constitutes great support to the building especially when the ground is not secure. Another structural application of steel pipes is scaffolding poles which allow construction workers to access all areas of the building that are out of reach. They are made by linking steel tubes into each other as a cage that surrounds the building.

-Manufacturing Usage

Steel pipes are being utilized for many different purposes in manufacturing use. Guard rails are one of the most common usages to provide a safety feature for stairs and balconies, or, in street, for cyclists and pedestrians. Steel pipes can also be utilized as security bollards which are used to cordon off an area from vehicle traffic to protect people, buildings, or infrastructures. Also, steel pipes constitute an option for outdoor site furnishings. Many commercial bike racks are formed by bending steel tubes. High toughness and strength of steel make it secure against thieves.

-Transportation Usage

The most common usage of steel pipes is the transportation of products since the characteristics of the raw material is very suitable for long-term installations. As it has mentioned before, different applications require different properties, as for low-pressure applications it is not expected for a steel pipe to exhibit ultra-high-strength since it does not expose to significant loading. More specialized applications to be used in the oil and gas industry may require more stringent specifications due to the hazardous nature of the product and the possibility of increasing pressure. These requirements bring a higher cost and quality control becomes more critical.

Design Parameters

There are two types of pipes as seamless and welded seam, and both have different uses. Seamless pipes are generally thinner and lighter, thus they are most widely used in bicycle production and fluid transportation. Seamed pipes are more heavy and rigid to obtain better consistency and durability. Pipes that are used for gas transportation, electrical conduit, and plumbing are generally seamed. During production, several parameters should be controlled to maintain the required properties for the application. As an example, the diameter of a pipe is designed directly related to how it will be used. While pipes with a smaller diameter may be used for hypodermic needles, large diameter pipes may be used for transport through cities. Wall thickness is also an important parameter to control since it directly affects the pipe’s strength and flexibility. Length, coating, and end finish are also other controllable parameters that are all related to each other as will be explained later. 

Pipe Types

Pipes are classified into two groups as seamless pipes and seamed pipes accordingly to the manufacturing methods. Seamless pipes are formed at one stage during rolling, however seamed pipes require a welding process after rolling. It is possible to classify seamed pipes into two due to the seam geometry as spiral welding and straight welding. Although there is a debate about whether seamless is better than seamed steel pipes, both seamless and welded pipe manufacturers can produce steel pipes providing high quality, reliability, and corrosion resistance. The main focus should be the specifications of the application and cost aspects while determining pipe type.

Contact us for more details : info@socaremsi.com

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